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Strategies For Change Coaching is designed as a collaboration between the coach and the client. My specialty is facilitating transition — the internal process that accompanies external change.


As your coach, I will assist you in navigating life changes and internal transitions more efficiently and more quickly. Together, we focus on your strengths and formulate action steps to accomplish your goals. In this process, you confront fears, resistance, and procrastination that often interfere with achieving your ambitions.

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While an external or situational change may happen quickly, the internal process of letting go of “what was” and taking hold of the “new” happens over time. The “neutral zone” between the old and the new, can be chaotic as well as creative. External, situational changes are constant in our lives and include:

  • Embarking on a new job

  • Changing career direction

  • Moving to a new geographic location

  • Events outside of your control
    (e.g., job loss; pandemic; an illness or family crisis)

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In addition to facilitating transitions, as your Coach I can help you to explore your current position to decide if you want to pursue other options. Upon reflection, clients sometimes choose not to make a change or may consider the possibility of modifying their present situation. 


Coaching can also assist you in moving ahead with a project that is stalled or aspects of your life where you feel stuck. Sometimes, a person cannot see options when their mind is clouded by pessimistic thinking. Coaching can be very effective in identifying and addressing this dilemma. 

Some of the techniques that facilitate internal transitions

and moving out of a negative mindset include:

  • Uncovering fears and moving beyond them

  • Identifying the obstacles which may not be obvious or
    may be out of your awareness 

  • Challenging negative thinking and pessimistic predictions

  • Acknowledging and leading with your strengths

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About Me
About Me
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My training as a Coach at The Empowerment Institute and Coach U has added additional dimensions to my previous education and career as a Psychotherapist.  My skill set includes expertise developed as a teacher, real estate salesperson and administrator of a non-profit organization.

My philosophy is that every life experience offers opportunities for self knowledge and the realization of a person’s potential. I know firsthand the value of mentors and coaches; they have been invaluable to me during various transitions in my own life.


As your Coach at Strategies For Change, my role is to be a non-judgmental sounding board, to hear your concerns, ideas, dreams, plans and fears and then assist you to get clarity, formulate action steps, surmount obstacles and systematically move forward toward achieving your goals.


I invite you to schedule a 30 minute complimentary phone consultation to ask questions and for us to assess if coaching with me at Strategies For Change is the right choice for you. 


Call/text me at 917-355-0455. 

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